Wednesday, 22 May 2024


Motivation is a character's inner drive, the thing they want out of life and can't get enough of. Motivation is not a goal - it is what explains why a person chooses or rejects goals. It doesn't determine every single goal (because everyone has needs that must be taken care of) but it spotlights the most important goals.

Thursday, 9 May 2024

My RPG table rules

Here are the rules and expectations I have when running a tabletop roleplaying game.


Tuesday, 20 February 2024

My D&D 5E Assumptions, Rulings, etc

Here are a bunch of assumptions and rulings and thoughts I have about D&D 5E, so that you won't be surprised or upset when something I say at the table contradicts the way you've read the rules and/or played in the past.